Tournament Eligibility Changed to Members Only

During the Annual Meeting held on Thursday, October 19th CAGD Representatives raised concerns about non members having the same priority to tournaments as members, in particular Briarwood. 

In the past, CAGD has allowed non-members to register and become members of the CAGD at the time of the event. Most club representatives felt this was unfair, because teams with two paid members of CAGD can’t get into some of the most popular tournaments if there are more entries than the course allows.

After a lengthy discussion a motion was made and adopted.  The following motion was approved by CAGD representatives:

Motion:  To play in any tournament all entries must be a member of CAGD before entering into a tournament.  If a person is not a member, the entry form will not be considered for the tournament. 

If you are planning to play in any CAGD tournaments, including Briarwood, you will need to make sure both players are members of CAGD before sending your entry for the tournament.

How to become a Member

Members not associated with a club that submits members automatically, use this form to join CAGD. The annual fee is $8. Mail the form and check to the Membership Chair noted on the form.

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