President – Guidelines
The President carries the major responsibility for the success, effectiveness and reputation of an organization. A capable President must therefore have a practicable understanding of the objectives, policies, traditions and goals of the organization, as well as a workable knowledge of how to plan and conduct a meeting.
She must be, or become, very familiar with the Bylaws and other rules of the organization and be satisfied to work within the reach or limitations set by them. Knowledge of basic principles of parliamentary procedures and how to apply them is important and can be acquired through study and practice.
She should study the “job descriptions” of the organization and be prepared to assist the officers and chairs in the performance of their duties.
As a presiding officer, through the manner in which she conducts a meeting, the President sets an example for the assembly in fairness, courtesy, objectiveness and operation under the rules.
The above are Guidelines. They are not only desirable but necessary for an effective presidency.
President – Duties
The duties of the President are prescribed in the Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4A. The procedures that follow are particular to the administration of the CENTRAL ARIZONA GOLF DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as CAGD:
- When you have been elected to the office of President, it is time to begin thinking about your presidency.
- Confer with the outgoing President regarding meeting dates and sites. Make reservations for the meetings. (You should not be concerned about waiting until you have been installed in the office before beginning plans.)
- Select and confirm all appointments of Standing Committee Chairs.
- Maintain communications with CAGD Representatives via email.
- Maintain and oversee the CAGD website.
- Make plans for the Annual CAGD Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, Meeting. The Bylaws, Article V, Section 1 requires fifteen (15) days’ notice of the meeting. Three (3) weeks (or more) are desirable. A reservation slip should be included with the call, naming a deadline for reservations. Usually it is necessary to give a count for both meeting and the luncheon at least 72 hours in advance.
- Arrive early on the day of the Annual Board Meeting. The Executive Committee and Chairs should each have a copy of the meeting agenda. It is a courtesy and elicits greater interest to provide a copy of the agenda on the meeting tables for the Board members.
- At the first Executive Committee meeting of the fiscal year the President shall appoint the Immediate Past President as Nominating Chair.
Vice President – Guidelines
The Vice President should review and study the objectives and policies of the current administration and of the organization as a whole. She should become familiar with basic principles of parliamentary procedure and with the Bylaws and other rules of the organization so that she will be able to preside wisely and firmly when called upon.
She should be familiar with all the duties of the President, be willing to serve as the President’s right-hand, and be prepared, if necessary, to preside at any meeting without previous notice.
Vice President – Duties
The duties of the Vice President are listed in the Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4B.
- The Vice President is an aide to the President. She is required by the Bylaws to perform such Executive Committee approved duties as may be assigned.
- The Vice President may be called upon to help in various situations giving her the opportunity to help shape the future of the organization by her objective and impartial responses.
- The Vice President shall be responsible for capacity building.
Secretary – Guidelines
The Secretary is the keeper of the records and aide to the President. A good Secretary has the attributes of being prompt and accurate; knowledge of the organization’s objectives, policies and methods; and understanding of parliamentary law and a sincere desire to help the President conduct a businesslike meeting.
The Bylaws Article VI, Section 4C, describes the basic duties of the Secretary. However, the Secretary may be asked to assume additional responsibilities:
Secretary – Duties
- As is provided for in the Parliamentary Authority (Bylaws, Article X), when the President and the Vice President are absent, the Secretary calls the meeting to order and presides until a chair pro tem is elected.
- By checking the minutes of the previous meeting, she should be ready to alert the President of any “unfinished business” which might be overlooked.
- Conduct roll call of the Board members at all meetings of the Board, of the Executive Committee in Executive Session and keep a record of attendance.
- When a hand vote is needed, the Secretary will count and record the vote.
- She will read recommendations of the Executive Committee which require consent or approval of the full Board.
Treasurer – Guidelines
The Treasurer is the keeper of funds and the trustee of all accounts. Knowledge of book-keeping, accounting and typing are valuable assets for a Treasurer. Of even greater value are integrity, punctuality, thoroughness and a willingness to work within the limits of the organization’s financial procedures.
The Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4D, provide a comprehensive look at what is expected of the authorized custodian of funds. The following procedures are specific to the Treasurer:
Treasurer – Duties
- Reservations and checks for the meeting day luncheons are sent to the Treasurer. She notifies the President and Secretary of the names and number of members attending the meeting and is responsible for meeting day registration.
- At the meeting day luncheon, verify number of lunches guaranteed, number served, number paid by reservation (lunches of speakers are paid by the District). Pay the account the same day.
- Attend all tournaments or, if unable to do so, the President will pay the course at the end of the tournament day.
- Prepare and send Blind Draw checks for the five monthly (January, February, March, April and November) Blind Draws to the Reps in a timely manner.
- Prepare and send checks to the charities immediately upon approval by the Executive Committee for the current year.
Membership Chair – Duties
- Keep a complete file of the CAGD membership and update it regularly. Send all information to the President, Treasurer, Tournament Chair, and Blind Draw Chair on a regular basis.
- Maintain a complete list of Member Club’s Representatives, their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Send this information to all Executive Committee members.
Immediate Past President – Duties
The Nominating Chair has the responsibility to determine the slate of officers for the following year.
- After appointment as Chair, within a reasonable time, determine a slate of officers for the following year.
- The Nominating Chair should ascertain if prospective officers will serve and once determined be prepared to present the slate to the Board Reps for approval prior to the Annual Board Meeting.
- The Immediate Past President, as Chair, shall conduct the installation of the new officers at the Annual Board Meeting.
Tournament Sites Chair – Duties
The Sites Chair is responsible for selecting the sites of tournaments and signing the contracts. The procedures that follow will be helpful in the performance of her duties:
- The sites should be selected one year in advance, if possible.
- When selecting sites, if possible, one should be in each area of the District to be fair to all.
- The site selected should have adequate room for the luncheon to accommodate the number of participants in the tournament and have sufficient carts available.
- Before booking a tournament, make sure the pro shop has sufficient merchandise for prizes and determine that there are no cart path restrictions.
- A complimentary round of golf for the Tournament Committee should be made part of the contract.
Tournament Director – Duties
The responsibilities of the Tournament Director, once a site has been selected, are:
- Make the pairings and score cards.
- Make tournament announcement flyers.
- Before making up flyers, double check with pro and dining room managers to verify price, time and number of players.
- Prepare the announcement flyer, place on the website and send to all CAGD Representatives three (3) weeks before the tournament.
Announcements should include:
- Name of club, address and any helpful information on travel.
- Date and time of shotgun.
- Opening and closing entry dates. The pro will want the pairings and alphabetical list several days prior to the tournament.
- Explanation of the game to be played.
- ELIGIBILITY: All entrants must be members of the CAGD and have a verifiable handicap.
- Fees: Checks payable to CAGD. One check from each team. All tournament players will pay the full amount of the tournament.
- Prizes will be gift certificates from the participating site.
- Entries should include: Name, home club name, telephone number, email address and a signed release form for each player.
- Mention special rules, such as no coolers permitted, spike less shoes only, and no caddies.
- As entries arrive:
- The Tournament Director should check each entry with the membership roster to verify membership in CAGD. Do a handicap inquiry to verify current handicap and keep all entries in order to prepare pairings when the time comes. Players are listed on the website as they are received to indicate that their entry has been received in time and they are in the tournament. Sometimes a phone call is necessary to determine eligibility. If the entrant is not on the membership list she will need to join the CAGD to be eligible. Her dues should be paid to her CAGD Representative and forwarded to the Membership Chair immediately so she can play.
- Make any changes with the pro shop and outside services personnel.
- Tournament Day:
- Make any necessary announcements just before participants leave the service area.
- Announce the winners and special prize awards at the luncheon. Also announce all scores will be posted by the Tournament Committee.
- Post all scores from the players in the tournament, using electronic option.
- After the tournament:
- Send thank you notes.
- Provide the Treasurer with an account of any expenses that have been incurred for reimbursement.
Tournament Committee – Guidelines
Up to six tournaments per year are not only competitions among the members but also provide a way for the women of the central part of the state to get together, get acquainted and play different courses throughout the area.
All members of the Tournament Committee should be included in the planning of the tournaments and when needed, to help on the day of the tournament. Winners should be announced during the luncheon.
The rules and information sheet should include the manner in which ties will be broken. In the plan for play, the committee should be guided by the following:
- A maximum handicap index of 40.4.
- Mulligans may not be used.
- The competition will be determined by the Tournament Committee.
Tournament Committee – Duties
The Tournament Committee shall be comprised of the Tournament Director, Sites Chair, and the President.
The Chair of the Tournament Committee is the Tournament Director and is responsible for carrying out competitions.
Intra-District Blind Draw Chair
As the envelopes arrive, verify membership of all participants, count entries and verify the check amount covers the number of entries sent. At times, the check amount exceeds the number of entries as a player might not finish a round. Make a list of the number of entries.
Draw 1/3 of the entries from each club as they arrive, put these aside to take part in the drawing of partners. When you receive the entries from all the clubs who are participating, you can draw partners, staple entries together and add totals.
Take the total amount from the checks and add the amount Central District is allowing for each Blind Draw.
Using the list of names, post the amount each player has won. Then sort by club and amount. The computer is a great help, however, just paper and pencil following the procedures will bring the same results.
Prepare an envelope addressed to each club participating. In the envelope place two (2) copies of the list of winners, one for the bulletin board and one to be retained by the CAGD Representative. On the flap of the envelope indicate the amount of the check that the Treasurer should prepare for that club. In addition, send to the Treasurer a recap sheet showing the amount won by each club.
Reps and Alternates – Guidelines
The procedures in this section will help the CAGD Representatives and Alternates in carrying out duties of their positions as listed in Article IX of the Bylaws. The Alternate should be familiar with them in case she has to fill in for the Representative.
Reps & Alternates – Duties
As a member of the Board of Directors of the District, the CAGD Representative helps shape the policies of and to further the progress of the District. The CAGD Representatives and Alternates represent the members of their Club Association at the District level. The District is able and ready to assist the Associations on any problem or concern within its area of authority, or to direct the Association to the proper authority.
Communicate with Members
The membership of the District is directly proportionate to the interest engendered by the CAGD Representatives at the Club Association level.
- Be informed, be enthusiastic, and promote the home course Intra-District Blind Draw and the District tournaments.
- Membership dues are due to the Membership Chair beginning January 1st and cover the period from January 1st thru December 31st.
- As new members join your association, contact them for District membership. Dues may be paid at any time of the year. They are NOT pro-rated.
- If a member of your association is joining to be eligible to play in any upcoming event, (Blind Draw or a Tournament), send dues to the Membership Chair and entry to the proper Chair. NEVER INCLUDE DUES WITH OTHER MONEY.
- Invite interested and active members to attend meetings and luncheons.
Encourage Participation in Competition
Up to six District tournaments and five (5) Intra-District Blind Draws are scheduled each year.
Intra-District Blind Draw
- The Intra-District Blind Draw provides competition and prize money between the clubs five (5) times a year. At present they are held in January, February, March, April and November.
- The Representative may run these events on any one day of the month, but the first play day of the month is preferred. Only CAGD members at your club are eligible to participate.
- Plan Blind Draw dates well in advance. Arrange them early in the month on a regular play day so play may be re-scheduled if rained out.
- Be at your club early on the day of play to collect fees, check handicaps and eligibility.
- Print all information, a sample is on the website. One entry per member.
- Collect $1.00 from each player. Send correct amount in one check made payable to CAGD along with the completed form.
- If a player participating in Blind Draw chooses to pick up on any hole or not finish the round, they are ineligible to participate. It is up to the Club Rep to decide what to do with the $1.00 collected if the player becomes ineligible.
- Although the club has the entire month to play the event, it should be early enough to ensure the Blind Draw Chair receives a club’s entries by the last day of the month. Late entries will NOT be included in the draw.
- When you receive the winners’ names and amount, put the winners list on the bulletin board.
- If the club is not having a Blind Draw event in any particular month, please notify the Chair.
NOTE: For those members who play at more than one club, they may enter a Blind Draw at each club, provided they have paid CAGD dues at each club.
Amended at the Executive Committee Meeting on January 12, 2018.