How to Pay with Zelle

You can now enter our tournaments online, and pay online with Zelle.

If you use a major bank, Zelle is already available on your bank’s phone app, or you can login to your bank with your computer and use Zelle from the bank’s website.

  1. Open your bank’s phone app, or login to your bank from your computer, and navigate to the “transfer & pay” section.
  2. Select “Send Money with Zelle”
  3. Add CAGD as a recipient, using our email:
  4. Select “Send Money to Recipient”
  5. Enter $150.00 as the amount – we will only accept FULL payment from ONE person for the entry.
  6. Be sure to click the send “now” option, not the “2-day” option! There is no extra fee to send “now”
  7. Enter your last name and partner’s last name in the memo area: Name1/Name2
  8. Click “SEND”
  9. Zelle will send a confirmation code to your cell phone or email (your choice).
  10. Enter confirmation code, then “CONFIRM SEND”


Now, you can ask your partner to send their $75 share to you from their Zelle app!

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